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Aug 11, 20155 min read
What Cecil the lion reminds me about setting the mood, homework and arguing with my spouse
Like Meanwhile, a Zimbabwean student in the US, Goodwell Nzou, wrote an article for the New York Times that caught my eye. “My mind was...
Jul 26, 20153 min read
Six hours in an Emergency Ward: why I won’t protect my children from suffering at all costs
As the Indian Doctor murmurs over my collapsed and invisible arm vein in an attempt to get in a line, I find myself hanging onto Doug’s...
Jan 26, 20143 min read
Why we’re not flying the flag on Australia Day but…
It’s probably not safe but it feels great. Brydie and I have somehow managed to jam a foot each onto her scooter and are hurtling down...
Oct 2, 20134 min read
Fantasising about being unfaithful
Somewhere along the line, church stopped being sexy. (What? You thought…? Right. No. I think that’s the other fantasising blog. This...
Dec 31, 20123 min read
Time, Love and Talking about Sandy Hook
Jem and Brydie have chosen kittens and puppies wearing Santa hats for the Christmas cards they’re giving to all their friends at school....
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