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Aug 11, 20155 min read
What Cecil the lion reminds me about setting the mood, homework and arguing with my spouse
Like Meanwhile, a Zimbabwean student in the US, Goodwell Nzou, wrote an article for the New York Times that caught my eye. “My mind was...
Aug 3, 20154 min read
Fallen out of love and looking for a new way to change the world
But here’s the truth: I no longer love activists. Wait, what… activists? Hairy, sign-waving activists? Yeah, kinda. Activists, for my...
Jul 26, 20153 min read
Six hours in an Emergency Ward: why I won’t protect my children from suffering at all costs
As the Indian Doctor murmurs over my collapsed and invisible arm vein in an attempt to get in a line, I find myself hanging onto Doug’s...
May 11, 20133 min read
The shocking truth about Mother’s Day: say it proud.
High noon, executive suite, New York City, 1917. Al: So here’s the pitch – I’m seeing a Day to commemorate Mothers. Classy. World-wide...
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